On Thursday, 9 May 2024, we participated in the first session of the Preliminary Conference, held in Bologna. The conference aimed to approve the Programme Agreement as a variant of the territorial and urban planning instruments of the A22-A13 Cispadana Motorway.
Andrea Corsini -Regional Councillor for Mobility and Transport, Infrastructures, Tourism and Trade-, the managers and technicians of the Emilia Romagna Region, the concessionaire ARC, and representatives of the provincial and municipal administrations affected by the work were present at the meeting.
Our arch. Sergio Beccarelli, speaking as coordinator of the design group and on behalf of the ARC concessionaire, provided a comprehensive overview of the project of the Cispadana Regional Motorway and the related Adduction Roads. His technical presentation illustrated the project’s design and its purpose.
The Cispadana consists of 65.7 kilometres of motorway connecting the Reggiolo-Rolo tollgate on the A22 (Brenner Motorway) to the Ferrara Sud tollgate on the A13 (Bologna-Padua).
It is an innovative infrastructure in terms of technology, safety and user assistance, accompanied by an articulated masterplan including multiple interventions of agro-environmental mitigation and compensation and landscape insertion, objective projects for territorial promotion and enjoyment of the considerable historical and cultural heritage and food and wine that distinguishes the territorial context of reference.
The future motorway responds to the mobility needs of the north-eastern area of Emilia-Romagna, in order to support with appropriate levels of service and safety the production districts that are fundamental for the regional economy, such as the biomedical, agrifood, ceramics and logistics districts.