Coordination and drafting of the Feasibility Study from a settlement, architectural, structural, plant engineering and environmental point of view for the construction of the New Hospital of Piacenza coinciding with area 5 (Free Area AL 9). As part of the project, coordination was also carried out for the drafting of the transport study of the work.
Definitive and executive architectural-functional design of the following underground stations: San Babila, Tricolore, Susa, Argonne, Forlanini, Linate Aeroporto, of the manoeuvring pole and the Idroscalo building, including the study of surface emergencies, of the surface architectural works of the entire M4 line (staircase covers, bike sharing station covers and lift covers and plant towers);final and executive structural design of the Forlanini Fs station and the portion of the underground connection to the railway station of the same name, as well as the related external arrangements; of the Linate Aeroporto station and the ‘Kiss&ride’ building, as well as the underground connections to the airport terminal and the related external arrangements; of the Forlanini 3 and 4 buildingsfinal and executive design of the fixed signage for users of the entire Line M4; final and executive design of the material and chromatic finishes and fixed furnishings of the stations of the entire Line M4.
Preliminary, final, executive, architectural, structural and plant design. Supervision of works, coordination of Safety during the design and/or execution phases of the interventions necessary to adequately face pandemic emergencies, such as the recent COVID-19, making the response to the significant increase in demand for in-patient activities in intensive care and high intensity care areas structural.
Restructuring and architectural, functional, structural, plant-engineering and energy-performance upgrading of the former building known as ‘Residenza delle Tamerici’, located within the Villa Parma complex, for the purpose of creating social housing for self-sufficient elderly individuals.
Design of pre-triage units, by means of prefabricated provisional structures, for the purpose of assessing the potential SARS-Cov-2 virus infection in users in first or second level access or DEA and to allow the separation of pathways with respect to the user assessed as non-infected for the following hospital units belonging to the AUSL Romagna Bufalini Hospital of Cesena (FC) – DEA II; Morgagni Pierantoni Hospital of Forlì (FC) – DEA II; Santa Maria delle Croci Hospital of Ravenna (RA) – DEA II; Umberto I Hospital of Lugo – DEA I; Hospital per gli Infermi of Faenza (RA) – DEA I; Hospital degli Infermi of Rimini (RN) – DEA II; Ceccarini Hospital of Riccione RN) – DEA I.
Design co-ordination of the architectural, functional, plant engineering and technological redevelopment of multiple areas within the EFSA office complex, to implement the current offer of environments intended to host both institutional and informal relational activities (floor meeting room, soft landing spaces, board room). Final and executive design, architectural and interior design of the interventions, as well as analysis, structural verifications and executive design of structural elements in numerous rooms of the building. Concept Design for the project “New Ways of Working EFSA”.