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Specialist studies

Project Scopes:

Final design of structural and seismic improvement works.Executive design, procurement and supervision of works for the resolution of structural criticalities, the closely related restoration works and the restoration works of the external facades.

Project Scopes:

Architectural and functional, structural and plant engineering project, including environmental pre-feasibility study, for the construction of accommodation for older adults in the reconversion of the Residence for Elderly People (CRA).

Project restructuring part of Romanini palace
Project Scopes:

Technical and Economic Feasibility, Definitive and Executive Design. Infrastructural, architectural, structural as well as landscape and environmental design of the intervention.

Project Scopes:

Overall technical and economic feasibility and final and executive design of the new secondary school building and the new canteen – auditorium complex.

Project Scopes:

Feasibility project for the area of competence of some interventions included in an integrated framework of interventions for the implementation and renewal of the equipment for the service of the users and of the security towards.

Project Scopes:

Framework Agreement for the technical and economic feasibility design of economic feasibility of infrastructural interventions on the Sicilian road network by ANAS S.p.A.

Project Scopes:

Design of pre-triage units, by means of prefabricated provisional structures, for the purpose of assessing the potential SARS-Cov-2 virus infection in users in first or second level access or DEA and to allow the separation of pathways with respect to the user assessed as non-infected for the following hospital units belonging to the AUSL Romagna Bufalini Hospital of Cesena (FC) – DEA II; Morgagni Pierantoni Hospital of Forlì (FC) – DEA II; Santa Maria delle Croci Hospital of Ravenna (RA) – DEA II; Umberto I Hospital of Lugo – DEA I; Hospital per gli Infermi of Faenza (RA) – DEA I; Hospital degli Infermi of Rimini (RN) – DEA II; Ceccarini Hospital of Riccione RN) – DEA I.

Project Scopes:

Technical pre-feasibility study and executive design concerning the fitting out of new offices on the second floor.

Pilotis Building
Project Scopes:

Definition of project guidelines and possible implementation scenarios inherent to the urban compartment. Integrated Intervention Programme.

Project Scopes:

Bolzano library hub tender for assistance and updating of library hub.

Bolzano library pole
Project Scopes:

Functional and architectural regeneration of piazzale Papa Giovanni XXIII and piazza Europa in La Spezia.

Regeneration of Piazzale Papa Giovanni XXIII (Cathedral of Christ the King) and Piazza Europa
Project Scopes:

Upgrading and safety works on the A24 and A25 motorways.

The City of the Cilento National Park
Project Scopes:

Coordination, preliminary and final design of the civil and road works for the functional and architectural regeneration of the Waterfront of the City of La Spezia

Waterfront La Spezia